Ask for NHSO musicians to present at your next school, district, or regional Professional Development! Our percussionists, strings, woodwinds, and brass players will help your K-12 teachers remember their instrumental methods courses from their teacher certificate programs. Groups or individual musicians may be sent out based on your needs.
“The PD that the NHSO provided helped me brush up on my percussion methods, which I hadn’t done with a professional since my undergrad methods courses. Their percussionist gave me great strategies in working with my students, and I’ve used several of the suggested methods over the past year. I’d highly recommend these workshops to any teacher across the state!”
– Amy Wilson, Grade 5 & 6 band teacher at Suffield Middle School
Due to a generous grant from the Elizabeth Carse Foundation, this is a FREE opportunity!
For more information or to book your next PD with us, please contact the Education Department at